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"Projekt sofinancira Ministrstvo za zdravje RS"

The project "More and more about dementia: education and awareness programs for managing dementia in the Slovenian environment" co-financed by the Ministry of Health, a partner consortium with the Rakičan Home, the Murska Sobota General Hospital, the Novo Mesto Health Center, the Murska Sobota Health Center and On the basis of an innovative and multidisciplinary program, Vitica, Gornja Radgona, focused on strengthening the transfer of knowledge and key professional competencies of professionals. Project associates in the supply chain for people with dementia in institutional and domestic environments. The structure of the education and awareness program for managing dementia in terms of activities encompasses aspects of social work, aspects of psychiatry, aspects of neurology, aspects of the health profession at the primary level, social gerontological aspects, institutional care for the elderly, assistance to the family at home or social care and groups for self-help and volunteers.



Social chamber of Slovenia, Ukmarjeva ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

























7. 8. 2017 – 15. 11. 2018 



The basic goal of the program is to perform a program of education and awareness how to manage dementia in all Slovenian statistical regions, where we started from the region with the highest value of the Development Risk Index (IRO) to the region with the lowest value of this index, which is the strategic and tender starting point of the Ministry of Health of the Republic Slovenia.

The structure of the education and awareness program for managing dementia with regard to activities covers aspects of social work, aspects of psychiatry, aspects of neurology, aspects of the medical profession at the appropriate level, social gerontological aspects, institutional care for the elderly, assistance to the family at home or social care and groups for self-help and volunteers.

Target groups in the program are:

1) Persons who are (indirectly) in contact with dementia personally in the institutional and / or domestic environment and are divided into two subgroups, namely, professionals and associates in the care supply chain for dementia in social care services for the elderly - institutional care in homes for the elderly and social care at home, carried out by homes for the elderly. The second subgroup is informal caregivers and other people who are taking care for people with dementia in the home environment;

2) Professional workers, co-workers, laiks and non- proffesional people. This group consist trainers who will transfer their knowledge to others, lead self-help groups and volunteers;

3) Laiks or non-professionals, where we include people with dementia and their relatives, volunteers and representatives of non-governmental organizations in this field.




Vilko KOLBL, mag., General sekretarian


Petra JALŠOVEC, mag. soc. del., project coordinator


telefon: 01 292 73 16

Klavdija ŽABJEK, dipl. med. posl., proffesional worker, 


telefon: 01 292 73 23

Splošna bolnišnica Murska Sobota

Rakičan, Ulica dr. Vrbnjaka 6,

9000 Murska Sobota, Slovenija

Zdravstveni dom Murska Sobota

Grajska ulica 24

9000 Murska Sobota

Zdravstveni dom Novo mesto

Kandijska cesta 4

8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija

Dom starejših občanov Rakičan

Ulica dr. Vrbnjaka 1

9000 Murska Sobota, Slovenija

Zavod za pomoč družini na domu Vitica, Gornja Radgona, so.p.

Partizanska cesta 15

9250 Gornja Radgona, Slovenija

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More and more about dementia: education and awareness programs for managing dementia in the Slovenian environment

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