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The Social Chamber of Slovenia is Slovenia's central professional social welfare association.  It was founded in 1993 on the basis of the Social Welfare Act and at the initiative of a group of professionals in the field. The Chamber brings together professional workers, associates, and other workers as well as volunteers from many different professions and occupations directly or indirectly active in the social welfare field. 

Its  activities, projects and the tripartite financing of its operations (through the State budget, membership fees and its own activities and donations) enable the Chamber to implement the principles of professional equality and autonomy, open communication, respect for the diversity of various professions, balanced representation and social welfare development trends in the public, non-governmental and private sector. 


Slovenia is a state governed by the rule of law and a social state.  In order for a social state to operate, it is essential that economic and social development go hand in hand.  Social changes turn a welfare state into the type of welfare state, for which all members of society are responsible. Social welfare is a system of services and financial assistance, regulated by law and provided by the State, in which the activities of the non-governmental, private and informal sector play an ever-greater role.

Membership of the Social Chamber of Slovenia 

The Social Chamber of Slovenia is the country’s central professional association and can be joined by those performing social welfare activities as well as those performing other activities, who wish to contribute to the development of the field.   


Socialna zbornica Slovenije

Ukmarjeva ulica 2

1000 Ljubljana


Phone: +386 (0)1 292 73 10





Official working hours of Social Chamber of Slovenia: 

  • morning: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm

  • afternoon: Wednesday from 14.00 to 16.00.

© 2018 by Socialna zbornica Slovenije

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